Spinning: learn about the sport and its benefits

If you like to alternate outdoor exercises with indoor activities, that is, in closed spaces, spinning can be a very interesting aerobic exercise for physical conditioning, including because it is very exciting.

For those who like cycling but don’t have a place to practice, spinning is a way to cycle regularly. But it can also appeal to those who have never learned to use a bike.

So, do you want to know if it is the ideal exercise for you and your goals? In this content, we explain how it works, what its benefits are and who can practice it.

What is spinning?

Spinning is the form of aerobic physical activity, also known as indoor cycling, or cycling in a closed environment. This is because it is done in the gym and by utilizing a static bike, that is, the practitioner does not move from one place to another.

In addition, the bike has adjustments to suit the student’s profile, gears to make pedaling lighter or more intense, as well as positions and rhythms guided by the teacher and accompanied by music and lights that make the environment more engaging for practicing the activity.

How does spinning work?

This activity is aerobic, and it provokes different body parts: the abdominal region, legs, and arms. However, for spinning, the activity is instructor-led-where a specialized instructor will switch rhythm and position on the bike to enhance the effects.

To achieve this, it is common for the instructor to use music that is in tune with the type of effort that will be performed. With a heavier pace, for example, the music can be more intense and engaging. In the case of a lighter pace, which will serve both to increase the number of turns and to provide relaxation after a more intense effort, the music can be softer and less rhythmic.

What are the main movements of spinning?

Spinning movements are related to the position of the practitioner. When pedaling seated or standing, the muscle group will be stimulated differently. The grip on the handlebars, which has three variations, changes the movements, and the intensities of the gait are also altered, which makes the possibilities of effort even more diverse.

In some gyms, the rooms for spinning classes, which are usually practiced collectively , are prepared with colored lights and screens that simulate the circuit performed. In this way, both music and exercises and images are coordinated, increasing the quality of the experience of the activity.

In some cases, it is also possible to practice spinning at home . In this case, the practitioner rents a bike and signs up for a class plan, which can be followed on TV or on a mobile device. In other words, the instructions and music are transmitted by the platform or website that offers the classes.

What are the benefits of spinning?

Did you realize that spinning can be practiced in many different ways? But what are its benefits? For those who like to cycle but don’t have much time or don’t have equipment, spinning is a great choice. Its benefits are not just that it is easy to practice. Check out some of them!

It is a low impact exercise

Among the aerobic activities, spinning is one of the lowest impact, meaning that the pressure on the knees and joints is much lower. This is a reduced risk of injury and pain.

This is beneficial both for those who already have a medical history of joint problems , and for those who are starting to practice activities, demanding less from the body.

Helps relieve stress

Spinning is an intense activity that, when practiced, helps release endorphins, which are responsible for the feeling of pleasure, and muscle relaxation, which is very common after exercise. The combination of these sensations helps relieve stress.

Does not require the purchase of expensive equipment

You don’t need to make a big investment to practice spinning. Just appropriate clothing, comfortable sneakers and a hydration bottle are enough.

Some gym students also tend to use towels to dry sweat and a padded bench to minimize impact when changing positions to pedal standing or sitting, which, depending on the level of difficulty, can be performed alternately and rhythmically.

Can be adjusted by the student

Even with the same program and routines guided by the teacher, each student can adjust the amount of effort according to their skill with spinning and their disposition.

In other words, a beginner and a regular spinner can take the same class. While one can use more weight, do all the suggested positions or pedal faster, the other maintains a slower pace until he or she masters the practice and becomes more fit.

Helps with weight loss and physical conditioning

As it is an aerobic activity, it helps with the weight loss process . It is also recommended for toning the body, especially the legs, glutes and lower back, where pedaling variations will demand more from the body.

Therefore, it can be considered a complete activity, providing respiratory conditioning, muscle stimulation, burning calories and more, in the same session.

Who can practice spinning?

A regular spinner burns an average of 600 calories. However, to gain this rhythm or even intensify it, it is necessary to combine it with other physical activities and a healthy diet. However, spinning can be practiced by all ages, for those who need to lose weight or to complement other sports .

Additionally, as the bike is fully adjustable to the size of the spinning student, this increases the inclusion of different practitioners.

However, it is recommended to undergo a medical evaluation to confirm your fitness to begin spinning activities, as well as other gym or outdoor activities.

Spinning is a very dynamic practice, easy to incorporate into your daily routine and brings many health benefits. For these reasons, the number of people practicing it has been increasing. It is also possible to combine it with other quick and easy exercises.

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