Do you know what the benefits of yoga for seniors are? A practice that aims to unite the body and mind, bringing people into balance . Therefore, it offers a series of positive points for those who are in this stage of life, in which it is important to carry out activities that can provide health and well-being and, at the same time, are enjoyable so that they abandon a sedentary lifestyle .
With all this in mind, we have created this content so that you may know how seniors can benefit from yoga and all its advantages to improve the quality of their life. Keep reading and also discover the 11 benefits that we have listed about this practice!
1. Reduces stress and anxiety
Meditation encouraged in yoga makes the individual focus on the present. This helps to clear the mind of problems related to the past or future , which leads to a feeling of inner peace and emotional balance for everyday situations.
Also, working on breathing control promotes a greater feeling of relaxation. This can be accompanied by increased confidence, optimism, reduced irritability, improved relationships with others, and more.
2. Controls blood pressure and heart rate
Yoga maintains the hearts and lungs in proper working condition because it balances the nervous system. This improves blood flow, keeps blood pressure and heart rate in regulation. It also keeps the endocrine system balanced, and thereby controls the amount of tension hormones like adrenaline and cortisol.
3. Helps with weight loss
Another benefit of yoga is weight loss. This is due to the fact that there is greater control over stress and anxiety, for example. This means that there is a reduction in the desire to consume foods rich in fat and sugar.
Furthermore, because it generates muscle toning, there is a considerable gain in lean mass, which in turn favors the fat burning process. However, this effect may vary depending on the type of yoga performed.
4. Improves lung function
Breathing exercises practiced in yoga directly influence the improvement of lung function. This is because they lead to the expansion of the lungs and control of breathing.
By breathing properly, the lungs begin to use their full capacity, preventing and improving respiratory problems. In addition, it generates more physical conditioning, but in a different way from conventional physical exercise practices , such as sports and weight training.
5. Promotes physical fitness
Yoga techniques, exercises and postures can improve muscle strengthening and resistance , more or less intensely, depending on the type of practice.
This helps to improve the body’s performance for physical activities and daily tasks, in addition to increasing lean mass and getting the body in shape, with muscle toning and definition.
6. Relieves body pain
Through the benefits of yoga, the individual becomes more aware of their body. This means that they will have a greater perception of their posture , how they sit, walk, learn to identify signs of muscle tension, among others.
In this way, it is possible to correct changes, such as contractures, so that any problem is resolved and the muscular structure is relaxed, without causing damage to the joints of the body and spine.
Stretching and posture exercises also help release tension and provide flexibility to the muscles. This relieves pain caused by herniated discs, scoliosis, muscle contractures, fibromyalgia, and others. It is also worth consulting a doctor to find out if collagen replacement is necessary .
7. Improves sleep quality
In addition to generating relaxation and tranquility, which promotes a good night’s sleep, yoga stimulates the production of melatonin. This is the hormone responsible for regulating the sleep cycle , making it better quality.
With a better night’s rest and a more relaxed body, it is possible to achieve more energy, disposition and productivity in your daily life.
8. Strengthens the immune system
The exercises performed in yoga are responsible for activating certain commands in the body. This is because some positions are capable of activating a gland known as the thymus, which is responsible for the production of white blood cells.
Over time, this gland atrophies and its function is reduced. Through appropriate positions to stimulate the thymus, yoga can strengthen the immune system, as well as prevent diseases and infections common in old age .
9. Helps with concentration
Another point that should be highlighted is the increase in focus and the achievement of better results in daily activities . As the practice works on the issue of being present, challenging limits and knowing the body, the person begins to understand how to respect and act themselves, and therefore, they will be more focused on a certain objective.
10. Increases flexibility
Among the benefits of yoga for seniors is flexibility, after all, it is not an easy practice to perform. The techniques and postures require the body to adapt , so progress occurs gradually. Therefore, in every class, it is possible to improve some aspects related to flexibility.
11. Generates strength and endurance
In addition to the benefits already mentioned, practicing yoga increases strength and endurance. This is because practitioners need to support their body weight in some techniques and maintain the proper structure to perform slightly more complex positions.
Therefore, if a person is looking not only to have a better quality of life and well-being but also to improve some factors related to the body’s resistance and strength, investing in this practice will bring very satisfactory results.
Have you understood the benefits of yoga for seniors? It is an important practice for those who seek to maintain balance between body and mind and, therefore, achieve a better quality of life.